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New Everesting run elevation record: 54,641m!

A new run record!

If you have been following our stories over the last week you would have seen that Nima Javaheri (@nimafinisher / @x_uetli) has been knocking out repeat after repeat after repeat of Switzerland’s Uetliberg climb.

Nima racked up an eye-watering 627km (on foot!) on his way to climbing 54,641m of elevation… 😵‍💫 plus he was out on the trail long enough to celebrate his birthday! 🎂

Uetliberg is both a steep and technical climb – both ascending and descending, which makes this monumental effort even more incredible. Nima was raising fund for Pro Juventute – check the link below for more info.

We’ve loved watching this record come together over the last few months, and couldn’t be more stoked for Nima. Join us in congratulating him!

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