Tickets available for the Everesting 48h Challenge event. Don’t miss out!



earn your badges

While The Rules are simple enough – pick a hill and repeat it until you climb the height of Everest – there is no shortage to the ways this can be achieved. To celebrate this, each entry in the Everesting Hall of Fame showcases the following achievements:

Everesting Type


Climb the equivalent height of Mt Everest (8,848m/29,029ft) by bike in one activity, and on one hill and you’ll pick up the elusive ‘Ride Everesting’ badge.


Climb the equivalent height of Mt Everest (8,848m/29,029ft) on foot in one activity, and on one hill and you’ll pick up the elusive ‘Run Everesting’ badge. To earn this badge you will need to ascend and descend the height of Mt Everest purely on foot.

run shuttled

Climb the equivalent height of Mt Everest (8,848m/29,029ft) on foot in one activity, and on one hill and you’ll pick up the elusive ‘Run Everesting’ badge. To earn this badge you will need to ascend the height of Mt Everest however you can have assistance on the descents (ie. car, gondola, lift, bike etc).


Climb the equivalent height of Mt Everest (8,848m/29,029ft) on foot in one activity, on a staircase and you’ll pick up the elusive ‘Stair climbing Everesting’ badge.


You’ll need to swing your leg over a trainer and jump on Zwift in order to collect the vEveresting badge. 8,848m/29,029ft is what is required as a minimum. While it sounds simple in practice, you can trust us that it’s anything but!

Challenge length


Climb a quarter the height of largest mountain on earth: Everest – a total of 2,212m (7258ft). Whether it’s a stepping stone to the summit or your final destination, hit between 2,212m and 4,423m and you’ll earn the quarter Everesting badge.


To get to base camp you need to climb half the height of the largest mountain on earth: Everest – a total of 4,424m (14,514ft). Whether it’s a stepping stone to the summit or your final destination, hit between 4,424m and 8,847m and you’ll earn the Basecamp badge.


You’ll pick up this badge when you complete the Everesting challenge (8,848m / 29,029ft). We’ll automatically assign this to your Hall of Fame profile.


Like the name suggests, you’re going to need to accumulate 17,696m (58,058ft) in a single activity. It’s a massive task, but one that is possible. Just. A Double Everesting qualifies for both the single and double badges.


The Triple Everesting badge is really only ever going to be pinned to a very, very select group of climbers. You’ll be climbing 26,544m (87,087ft) for this one. A Triple Everesting qualifies for the single, double, and triple badges.


More than 10,000m vertical in less than 36 hours, with a minimum of 400km. Plot and complete your own epic and unusual journey to earn the Everesting Roam badge.



To claim the Short ‘S’ you’re going to have to go steep. The total distance for this Everesting needs to be less than 200km, and you’ll need to climb 8,848m/29,029ft minimum. Pack a light gear, and start spinning!


To collect your Significant ‘S’ we need you to pick a climb that is iconic. Wherever you are in the world these exist, through local folklore, a favourite trainer, or a well-known hill. You’ll need to climb 8,848m/29,029ft minimum to make this one count.


As the name suggests, the Soil ‘S’ is going to require you to get dirty whilst climbing 8,848m/29,029ft minimum.. We’ll be looking for an activity that takes place 100% away from paved roads.


The Suburban ‘S’ requires you to find a climb in a residential or urban area. Generally your suburban climbs tend to be shorter and punchier. As with the other ‘SSSS’ you’ll need to climb 8,848m/29,029ft minimum.


Be the first (either as an individual or in a group) Everesting (8,848m/29,029ft) to claim a new mountain, hill, or segment, and you’ll also be collecting a ‘First Known Ascent’ badge for your activity!